Saturday, 17 October 2009

Matema Beach, Tanzania

We wanted to spend another day at the lake in Malawi swimming and lazing in the sun and stopped at a few places up the coast, but didnt find anywhere as nice as the beach at Nkwazu Lodge, so decided to head to Tanzania. The only problem at the Malawi border was finding someone to open the gate for us once the paperwork had been done. Tanzania was equally straightforward - we just had to pay visas ($50), road tax ($5) and temporary import permit for the Landy ($25) in USD. Thankfully we had both Tanzania Schillings and the Comesa insurance so didnt need to deal with any of the aggressive border touts.

It took a lot longer than we planned to get to Matema Beach and we ended up in the pitch dark, driving a dusty rutted road dodging bicycles, pedestrians and livestock. Although I couldnt see very well, my impression was that it was lush and full of vegetation.

The next morning we woke to a long grey/black sand beach with gentle waves rippling the blue lake, parked ourselves under the shade of a tree and spent the day reading and swimming.

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